• Wellness Exam

    A comprehensive annual exam helps to identify health issues early so your canine family members can receive early intervention for the best possible care.

    Vaccine and wellness preventative care recommendations are based on the American Animal Hospital Association guidelines.

  • Intestinal Parasite Screen

    Intestinal parasites can cause illness or even death in your pet. Some parasites can be transmitted to people (zoonotic)! An annual parasite screen is recommended.

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  • Heartworm Testing

    Heartworm disease is a complex disease that is transmitted through mosquitoes. Unfortunately, this disease is all too common in unprotected pets, especially in our area. Annual screening (at minimum) is recommended for heartworms, as well as for exposure to some tickborne diseases.

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  • Vaccines

    Rabies vaccine: Rabies vaccine is required by law for all dogs and cats. Rabies is a fatal disease that is spread through the saliva of infected animals.

    Other vaccines recommended are dependent on your pets lifestyle.

    These include:

    DA2PP (Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)


    Kennel cough vaccine (Bordetella bronchoseptica, Parainfluenza, Adenovirus Type 2)

    Canine Influenza Vaccine (H3N2, H3N8)

